The Meier's

Two people who don't know, what they are doing!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Here are some big news!!!

Hi everybody!
The biggest news is, that we have a baby girl. Her name is Eden Rebekah Joy.
Since she is in our life a lot of things have changed. We don’t sleep so much anymore. Lisa is a bit more stressed out by driving in the car and I have two girls who I can cuddle as much as I want. (She is MY second most favorite girl in the world)
She is a special girl. She blesses us in soooooooooooo many ways. Children are truly a gift of God. You can see in them a bit of God that was not yet represented on this planet. A fingerprint, a smile, a hug or a cuddle that you never have seen or felt before.
For us she blesses us in more than one way. She sleeps like a dream and hardly complains about anything. I believe though, that she already has a big portion of attitude and knows exactly want she wants. (we will see, what the future holds)
Anyways, if you want to get to know her, give us a phone call and come by. We would love to introduce you to another face of God.
Lots of Love
Franz & Lisa