The Meier's

Two people who don't know, what they are doing!

Friday, April 28, 2006


this is an audio post - click to play

What is God challenging me with ??????????????

I am just reading a really cool book: "the practice of the presence of God" by brother Lawrence.
One of the sentences with hit me in the face was the following:

"The dear brother remarked that we must give ourselves totally to God, in both temporal and spiritual affairs. Our only happiness should come from doing God's will, wether it brings us some pain or great pleasure. After all, if we're truly devoted to doing God's will, pain and pleasure won't make any difference to us."

So often I am more concerned about doing what I like and want. God though, who is always present, wants to redirect my attention to him. He wants to show me, that he is on the same Team with me. He is the one who has the best for us in mind. (often I think that if I sit with God, that I miss out on something else)

Like brother Lawrence said: "Let us occupy ourselves entirely in knowing God."
I am often not cappable of doing that at all. Distracted by sooooooooooooooooo many things, which look so much more important and attractive. I want to learn to see the beauty in god to the degree, that I can't put my eyes away from him anymore.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Lisa and I are online!

How do you guys like the blog?????
Check it out and get to know us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa: She is currently working like mad!!!!!!!!

Franz: He is fulltime Tourist and dreams about flying helicopters

Franz Photo

This is Lisa's belly .... cute isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!