The Meier's

Two people who don't know, what they are doing!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Whats going on with Franz ........

Yoooooooo everybody!
Here is a little update about whats going on in my life.
I am working full time in a lawn care business. (I am earning big time $$$$$$$$$$$$$) I am mainly cutting and trimming the lawns all around westside Vancouver. It is fun ... RAIN RAIN RAIN .... as much as rain can be fun.
Besides doing that (which keeps me slim and good looking) I am working on my correspondance course!
With this course I will be able to write the Transport Canada Knowledge Exams for Aircraftmechanics, which in turn will give me the opportunity to apply for an apprenticeship with a local company. (thats the plan .... hopefully it works the rest is in God's hands)
In the rest of my time I hang out with Lisa (my awesome and stunning wife) and my oldest daughter Eden, sit on our church board, which makes me think, that God actually wants to use me in some way and practice bow and error shooting. (a little attempt to maintain at least some kind of a hobby).

Life is a bit full ...... from 0 to 100 in less than 1 sec. Things developed fast after I received my PR-Card (For all who don't know what PR means ..... Permanent Resident .... I am just to lazy)
In all that I am hanging on to God and trust him to be on my side in this crazy pase.
Thank god, that his grace is new every morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mein lieber grosser!
Ich habe in letzter Zeit oft an Dich und Euch denken müssen - und dürfen. Sehr oft schaue ich mir die Bilder von der DTS an. Besonders die vom Einsatz. Und am meisten das eine Foto mit der Redeemer-Szene in Curitiba. Und ich vermisse Dich. Echt! Und heute vermisse ich Dich noch mehr, da ich Euren blog sehe und die Bilder und den Text lese und und und!

Fürs erste reichst es vielleicht.
Melde Dich! Gib mal Deine Telefon-Nr. rüber bitte.
Hier die email-Adresse:
Oder die ganz neue müßte auch funktionieren:

Dir und Euch Gottes Segen und Frieden!



2:09 AM  

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